The Trickiness of Tunnel Vision…

Tunnel Vision is the tendency to focus exclusively on a single or limited goal or point of view. It is defective sight in which objects cannot be properly seen if not close to the center of the field of view. I am amazed at how many of us can have tunnel vision when it comes to how we treat others and how we approach different situations. Often times we see situations in the way WE want to see them or how we want to shape the outcome to fit our preconceived ideology.

We can make grave mistakes in life because we apply tunnel vision to our viewpoint of a situation. Some things are not as they appear and some things are. The problem lies in when we use the data to support our outcome rather than the outcome coming from the data. Just like in preaching, it is a risk to preach a misguided sermon when you try to find a scripture to support your title rather than the title coming out of the text.

Many relationships have been destroyed and tarnished because people tend to only view things in a manner that supports what THEY believe rather than allowing the truth to speak for itself. Every situation is not the same situation as another situation (that is a mouthful). Sometimes we must step back and look at the whole picture rather than running down a path not knowing where you are going and what is around you.

The disciples always tried to act in a manner that they thought the Lord would act. They tried to speak for Jesus.

Too many of us self-sanctified Christians are acting in the same manner. We want to speak for God. We want to speak judgment, condemnation, discipline, error and retribution in someone lives and we don’t know how God would react or speak.

I believe that our relationships and witness would be more effective if we stop trying to step on others to promote ourselves to Heaven. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God has enough rooms and mansions for us all. I don’t need to make you look bad to make me look good. I pray we can change our tunnel vision to a spiritual vision using God as the lens and not our own sight. I can’t see what God can see if I am trying to use my own bifocals. My vision is too blurry and too narrow to make any calls on my life or the lives of others.

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