As I write this post I am sitting in the airport. As I was traveling making my way to the airport I was in the midst of a real heavy storm. As I was driving I was praying. I was asking God for safety in the storm and I was asking God for a timely arrival so I wouldn’t miss …
Author: admin
It is Not About Me…
Why do we go through trials and tribulations? Why do we endure the hardships of life? Why does it seem like we are being punished? I am sure many of us who have had to endure rough times have asked these questions. Many of us are tricked by the devil into believing that what we have gone through is always …
The Struggle of Faith…
Many of us struggle with faith. I believe that is why God did not ask that our faith be gigantic…he said the size of a mustard seed. He lets us know that we need faith (without faith it is impossible to please God). If we are honest with ourselves many of us struggle with faith. The biblical definition of faith …

ROCK Risen Omnipotent Crucified King Have you ever heard the phrase, “hitting bottom?” Hitting bottom is when you have reached your lowest point in your particular circumstances. Even though this phrase has its origins in the field of substance abuse, many of us can identify with being in a predicament that seems to have no positive resolution. It seems you …
A Turned Situation…

Everyday I witness God’s miraculous works and His Word in everyday experiences. My mom and I have a plant that wasn’t doing so well. The leaves were droopy and it looked like it was headed for the plant cemetery. She sat it outside thinking some sunlight and outside air would do the trick and make it healthy looking again. …
Happy Thoughts…

The Critical Thinking Process starts out with: (1) Knowledge, (2) Comprehension, (3) Application and (4) Evaluation. What we think affects how we feel and behave. Our thoughts can make us Happy, Sad, Hopeless, Helpful, Depressed, Discouraged or Blessed! The devil wants you to think that it is hopeless and that God doesn’t care. God says that he will never leave …
Help in your Holler…

In the book of Joshua the Lord told Joshua to march around the walls of Jericho one time each day for six days. While they marched they were to keep silent. On the seventh day they were to march around seven times. When they heard the trumpet blow to shout!!!! When they shouted the walls of Jericho came tumbling down! …
There is Comfort in the Command…

Today as I was teaching bible study the Lord spoke to me and said, “Where there is a command, there is His comfort to go with it!” In the book of Joshua the Lord told Joshua to lead the people to the promised land. He said be not afraid, nor dismayed for I will be with you wherever you go. …
Spiritual Graduation…

As I am sitting here at my son’s graduation from Elementary school my mind began to think on how he is moving from one level to the next. He will be in middle school next year which will come with more challenges and battles which he did not experience in elementary school. How many of you believe that we …
Recycled Love…

Do you believe that God loves you? If you believe in the scriptures, especially John 3:16 (For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life), then you know that the love God has for you is not matched in any kind of way. God’s …