Functioning through a Storm…

As I write this post I am sitting in the airport.  As I was traveling making my way to the airport I was in the midst of a real heavy storm.  As I was driving I was praying.  I was asking God for safety in the storm and I was asking God for a timely arrival so I wouldn’t miss my flight.  As I was driving I was making notes of my feelings in the midst of the storm:

1.  In the storm I could barely see.  Although my windshield wipers were on high.  It could not move the rain fast enough off of my windshield so I could see.  What I usually have is good distance of vision but this was not attainable during this storm.

In our spiritual storms our eyesight is not as clear as when we operate under clear conditions.   Paul tells us in 2 Cor. 5:7 to “walk by faith and not by sight”.  In this storm I had to trust God on where I was going because I could not see far down the road.  Just what was ahead of me.  

2. In the storm several times I hydroplaned.  There were times where my tires slipped and moved from a good traction.  In our spiritual storms there will be times where you lose your footing and traction in life.  But even in the midst of unsure footing.  God can keep us grounded.  

3.  Lastly, there were times where the storm let up for a short period of time.  When I went under bridges or for a short time the storm would get lighter.  Even though you are in the storm, it does not mean it won’t get lighter at times.  What this did for me is that it gave me comfort in a temporary peace from the storm to revive me to keep going through the storm.  I knew that if I kept going I would eventually run into the end of my storm.  

After a while the storm ceased, the rain stopped and I was able to drive the same speed I normally do. Storms will cause you to slow down and pay attention to what you are doing. 

I thank God for allowing me to function in my storm.  What he did for me.  He will do for you!  Be blessed. 



  1. Excellent analogy of the storm. I have one I will publish later. “Being still in your storm”. Praying for safe travels. Talk later. Love you

  2. I will never view my personal storms the same way anymore. I always heard, you are in a storm, coming out of a storm, or a storm is coming. I love the part about going under bridges for a short time during the storm, as we experience a lot of rain storms in NJ and I remember that all so well. However, it was a temporary moment to actually weather the storm when I came from underneath that bridge, as the storm had lessen. I am truly blessed by article and intend to share it as needed.

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